I forgive you for not taking the space to be with yourself everyday.
I am ready to create space for you. I am ready to take care of you.
I am ready to give to you first everyday before anyone else.
I am sorry for not seeing you.
I am sorry it has taken this long.
I am sorry I neglected you.
I am sorry you have suffered.
I love you. I miss you. I am here for you.
You are beautiful. I am ready to give you everything you need.
I am your best friend.
I am always with you on every walk through life. I am always here.
I will take walks with you every day. Even if they’re not physical. I will listen to your needs every morning.
I got you babe. You are worth it to me.
You mean everything to me.
I got your back.
Sometimes what we need is right inside of us. But we don’t give ourselves permission to feel it and experience it.
You are a very strong, resilient and powerful woman. You have so much power to create exactly what you are craving.
You may have just decided a long time ago to look everywhere outside of yourself for validation, for prosperity, for strength.
There is no need to keep looking babe. The peace, excitement, consistency, and reliability you need is available to you at all times.
It is safe to give it to yourself.
Turn towards your thoughts and feelings. Listen. Tell yourself the truth about what you want.
There is so much wisdom in your body.
And it is fully safe to listen.
I encourage you to write a love letter to yourself!
Start with:
- What am I missing the most?
- What do I wish I could change?
- What am I most afraid of?
- What stories or memories really bother me?
- What have I not forgiven myself for?
- What have I not forgiven someone else for?
- Is there anything I feel ashamed about?
- Then flip it and tell yourself a new more empowering story.
I would love to read your love letters to yourself! Send them to melissa@imperfectlyvibrant.com.
Melissa helps women of all shapes, sizes and colors to find the courage and strength to be the woman they’re meant to be.
Learn more about her women’s empowerment programs here. Follow her work on Instagram and Facebook

11 Packed up and Moved to The Oregon Coast! – Imperfectly Vibrant

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