Your Desire to Be Loved is Enough

We feel guilty for being too much, not being enough for those who need us, having too many goals and ambitions, having our own needs, blah blah blah.

We have empathy for everybody else but we lack empathy towards ourselves.

We don’t recognize our significance and our innate worth just the way we are.

I have way too much energy and I don’t like to stop.

So I made myself bad or wrong for being so unavailable, so absorbed in my own ambitions, so occupied in my life.

I’ve lost many relationships because “I’m selfish” or “it’s hard to keep up with me”. 

I have so many ambitions, desire to be of service, desire to move around all day, desire to do whatever lights me up next. 

I was told it’s an anxious response and that I have a disorder. 

So of course I didn’t honor myself and out of fear, guilt and shame of losing more people because of my “disorder”.

I practiced “the pause” and I was left feeling stagnant. Unfulfilled. Frustrated.

For me, stillness isn’t the answer. 

I find my flow when I am involved, engaged and occupied in life.

I am movement. I am action. I am energy. I am strength. I am power. 

It took me a long time to be okay with who I am. 

I don’t know who I would be without all this positive energy.

Your uniqueness is magical.

Your desire to be loved is enough.

Your desire to want more is enough.

Your need to be seen, recognized and heard is valid.

You deserve to take up space.

Until you come to peace with the fact that your longings and desires and what you truly feel you’re here for.. are valid, then you may always be at war with yourself.

Find YOUR flow.

Find YOUR path.

Find YOUR true nature.

And honor everything about yourself.

You are perfect the way you are. 

I challenge you, for the next 30 days: instead of spending your precious and limited time here on earth wishing anything were different. 

Bask in the enjoyment of purely being alive.

Challenge yourself to realize your perfectness and your wholeness now. 

And love yourself now.

There is nothing ever wrong with you.

Your desire to be loved is enough.

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11 Packed up and Moved to The Oregon Coast! Imperfectly Vibrant

Omgggg!!! Come listen to my story of what was what was required for us to finally relocate to the PNW. It may not be what you think. Wisdom and lessons learned over the past year. And I also I share what's next for me, my family, and I love you!
  1. 11 Packed up and Moved to The Oregon Coast!
  2. 10 You're exactly where you're supposed to be right now
  3. 09 It isn't true that you're not worthy
  4. 08 How to attract people who treat you how you desire to be treated
  5. 07 How I Manifested Money From a Trailer in Mexico
Posts created 9

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