How to Shift From Being Inconsistent to Flowing Into Your Goals

Hey babe!

Have you ever made a list of goals, really wanted them, really thought things would be different, and then ended up getting in your own way – never took any action – or decided to quit before you really saw it through?

Come take a walk with me as I tell you the story of how my client shifted her inconsistency in her lifestyle and health and wellness goals to consistency and making more money in her business.

I made this episode with so much love to really help you get out of your own way once and for good!!!

Whether you want to have happier relationships, better health, have more energy to make a consistent income source from your business, or a more peaceful relationship with yourself… this is for you!

Let me know what your thoughts and takeaways are by leaving a comment and review on iTunes, YouTube + IGTV.

I love you so much!

You are doing a good job!!!

Enjoy the full episode.

You can also watch on YouTubeIGTV, or FaceBook.

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11 Packed up and Moved to The Oregon Coast! Imperfectly Vibrant

Omgggg!!! Come listen to my story of what was what was required for us to finally relocate to the PNW. It may not be what you think. Wisdom and lessons learned over the past year. And I also I share what's next for me, my family, and I love you!
  1. 11 Packed up and Moved to The Oregon Coast!
  2. 10 You're exactly where you're supposed to be right now
  3. 09 It isn't true that you're not worthy
  4. 08 How to attract people who treat you how you desire to be treated
  5. 07 How I Manifested Money From a Trailer in Mexico
Posts created 9

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