Heal Your Fear By Running Towards It

As women, we are taught to fear men, we are taught to fear ourselves, being alone or not being enough, we are taught to fear our bodies, and each other.

I asked the question on my FaceBook page and 174 women commented with very similar fears

They said things like: making decisions, other women, having car trouble, their sexuality, having confidence, being themselves, having power, being successful.

(Comment on the post so we can witness your fears too.)

These fears were most likely passed down to you from generations and generations of women who were taught the same things, and it’s important for YOU to forgive them and yourself, heal them and let the cycle END with you.


Who wants to be stuck in fear forever?

So let’s take back your power right now and do a simple exercise as a way to begin healing your fears.

Here is how you can heal your fears by running towards them:

1. Make a list of all the things you were taught to fear the most as a woman.

Here’s mine:

Men, my solitude, my individuality, tattoos on my body, piercings wherever TF I want them, wild hair, dancing in the moonlight naked, being chaos (I am chaos), being outspoken, what people will say or think about me, being myself, giving of myself fully, other people, loving and accepting myself, having wild crazy fun, having debt and spending money, the unknown and insecurity, not having a secure full time 9-5 job with consistent income, making mistakes, going fast, homeless people, my emotions, my nose, having and enjoying sex, loud obnoxious music, speaking my truth, standing up for myself, saying no, cursing, my body, wearing a short shorts and tank top, having cleavage, wearing a bikini, being a bitch, taking care of myself first, playing extreme sports, fixing cars, playing with guns, being strong, showing off my strength and talents, and traveling alone.

Seriously, do it. When it starts to hurt, keep writing.

This list should make you cry…

2. Tell yourself you’re ready to forgive the past, the people who made you believe these things, and yourself for believing them.

Forgiveness does not mean you’re excusing irresponsible behavior or saying that it’s okay for negative things to have happened to you.

It’s you saying that you’re ready to be at peace within yourself and that you deserve to move on and create a new reality.

It’s taking your power back!

You don’t even need to forgive someone in person, you can forgive within your heart for now – for YOU, and that’s enough!

3. Take your list and turn them into affirmations, saying “it’s safe” before each one.

Here’s mine:

It’s safe to make room for my wellbeing, it’s safe to know that I am enough, it’s safe to relax into my success, it’s safe to enjoy my solitude and individuality, it’s safe to thrive in my chaos, it’s safe to have wild and crazy fun, it’s safe to make mistakes, it’s safe to give of myself, it’s safe to go faster than I can handle, it’s safe to run into the unknown and insecurity, it’s safe to love my emotions, my nose, obnoxiously loud music and hot crazy sex, it’s safe to speak my truth, it’s safe to be outspoken, it’s safe to stand up for myself, it’s safe to be seen, it’s safe to say no, it’s safe to curse, it’s safe to be myself unapologetically in all situations, it’s safe to take care of my needs FIRST, it’s safe to be bitchy and unapologetic, it’s safe to love and show off my body exactly how it is now. It’s safe to do what I love everyday for the rest of my life.

At the beginning they may feel like lies. That’s because you’ve been hearing lies all these years.

Make sure to write your own affirmations. They have to make YOU cry.

4. Now, make it your JOB to believe these affirmations completely. When you do, you’ll be able to run towards each one of these things and begin to incorporate them into your life as something normal.

Healing begins with bringing awareness to your fears, acknowledging them, and being witnessed.

You are not alone in this. Become supported in incorporating tools like these into your life by joining one of our Programs.

This is where you will be supported and guided to create these changes in your life and finally start living a life you love: full of peaceful strength, ease, and authenticity.

Leave your comment below and subscribe to my YouTube channel, Like and Follow Imperfectly Vibrant on IG and FB for more like this.

Believing In You,



11 Packed up and Moved to The Oregon Coast! Imperfectly Vibrant

Omgggg!!! Come listen to my story of what was what was required for us to finally relocate to the PNW. It may not be what you think. Wisdom and lessons learned over the past year. And I also I share what's next for me, my family, and ImperfectlyVibrant.com. I love you!
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